We are supporting future researchers with the MAXMINDS Project!
MAXMINDS is a project of the Max Planck Society (MPG) Earthquake Relief Working Group, established shortly after the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023.
What is the aim of the project?
Our project aims to bring together undergraduate and graduate students from the earthquake-affected region with MPG researchers through an online mentoring program.
Who can participate as a mentee?
You can participate in the project as a mentee if you:
- have been affected by the earthquake,
- have successfully completed at least four semesters at university, or are a graduate student,
- Knowing English will increase your chances of being matched with a mentor, as some of our mentors do not speak Turkish or Arabic and need to conduct their meetings in English.
Additionally, if you are interested in academic research in any field, you can receive career support from our mentors in this direction.
Who can participate as a mentor?
All MPG personnel (researchers and administrative staff) are willing to contribute to this project, and anyone who has previously been a researcher or worked at MPG can participate as a mentor. Our aim is to gather mentors working in every field to support mentees studying in different areas.
How will the mentoring program work?
Students accepted into the online mentoring program will gain access to register on the mentoring platform. On this platform, you will have the chance to be matched with an MPG employee conducting research in your field of study or a related field. Another matching criterion depends on what you want to gain from the mentorship; thus, even if there is no mentor in the same field, many mentors can assist you. For example, organizing a CV, preparing applications, or improving in a particular foreign language.
Before starting the meetings, both mentees and mentors will receive brief training about the process. Once mentor-mentee meetings begin, one-on-one sessions will continue for at least six months. Mentors and mentees are required to meet online at least once a month during this period.
What is expected to be achieved by the end of the program?
By the end of the program, mentees will have achieved most of the goals they set with their mentors. Therefore, it is crucial to establish common goals and clarify expectations from day one. Additionally, both our mentors and mentees will receive a certificate upon completing their meetings.
What other objectives does the project have?
The project aims to equip MPI volunteers with personal skills and enhance the collaboration experience needed for success in their roles.
How many participants are expected in the program?
In the first six-month mentoring period of this transformative mentoring program (February 2024 - August 2024), fifty mentees successfully completed the program and received their certificates. Approximately 90% of our mentees stated that the mentoring experience supported them exceptionally well.
What is the impact of the earthquakes on education?
In Turkey alone, the earthquakes damaged more than 20,000 school buildings. This harsh reality underscores the disaster's broad impact on the future of education and science. MAXMINDS aims to help these young people realize their potential and become successful researchers despite the challenges they face due to earthquakes.
Until when is the project funded?
The project is funded until the end of August 2025.
ماكس-مايندز مبادرة اقترحها الفريق المختص بالعمل على تخفيف أثار الزلزال، والذي تأسس بمجتمع ماكس بلانك عقب الزلازل المدمرة التي أصابت تركيا وسوريا في 6 فبراير (شباط) 2023. يضم فريق العمل مجموعة متنوعة وموهوبة مما يقارب المئة من الأعضاء الحاليين والسابقين في قرابة خمسين معهدا من معاهد ماكس بلانك، كما وأن هؤلاء الأعضاء لديهم ارتباط وثيق بالمناطق المتضررة. وانطلاقا من انعكاس الأثار بعيدة المدى لهذه الزلازل بشكل رئيسي على الأجيال الشابة في هذه المناطق، يهدف فريق العمل لتدشين مشروع مستدام وبعيد المدى ليعزز تواصله مع هؤلاء الشباب.